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Konus Preparation Set Reproduction Of Animals (10 Stuks)Fotoaparatas

The Konus preparation set series consist a wide range of prepared slides from the wonderfull world of zoology, botanics and the human body. These series contain single-celled creatures, invertebrates (insects), vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals), botanics and the human body. Important themes as animal parasites and the animal/plant reproduction are covered as well. This way, children, students and microscope enthusiasts can learn more about the wonderfull world of microscopy.

This set contains the following prepared slides:
1. Sheep (tapeworm)
2. Honeybee (Queenbee ovaries)
3. Fish (testes wuith spermatozoa)
4. Bull (sperm)
5. Bull (test spermatogenesis)
6. Rabbit (ovary ovogenesis)
7. Guinea pig (fallopian tube)
8. Pig (uterus, resting stage)
9. Rat (uterus with embryo)
10. Cat/Pig (placenta)


В продаже: Есть
Цена: 21.01 €

Дата и время печати: 2024 05 20 05:14:14


Производитель Konus
Время доставки 14-17 days
Возможно изменение данных без предварительного предупреждения.