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DMX Mixing Console GOBO200 demoFotoaparatas

Demo Model. As good as new. Product will be deliverd in original packaging.

The DMX GOBO200 is a Light Control panel for lamps and other equipment. You can easily install your lightshow, before you start it. It is also ideal for ballrooms, cafes and other similar rooms. Installing your equipment is very easy. Due to the light weight, you can easily take your GOBO200 with you. The 16 different channels are giving you the opportunity to combine and change your program as much as you want. So programming your show before you start is easy, but you can also change it while your show is playing.

В продаже: Не изготавливается
Цена: 213.46 €

Дата и время печати: 2024 05 18 09:02:02


Производитель Falcon eyes
Время доставки 14-17 р.д.
Возможно изменение данных без предварительного предупреждения.